Friday, July 1, 2016

The Core

Core strengthening gets a lot of attention these days. But what really is the "core?" Why is it so important? How do we strengthen it properly?
The core is a group of muscles that supports the axial skeleton and is the foundation off of which our extremities move. Let's briefly review the anatomy. In the trunk the core is made up of 3 layers of muscles: the outer, middle, and inner abdominals. The outer layer is the rectus abdominis, or "6 pack," muscle which attaches to the base of the ribs and breast bone and extends down to the pelvis. Its role is to bend the spine forward in a sit-up type motion. The middle layer is made up of the 2 diagonal muscles called the abdominal obliques which attach the rib cage to the tops of the pelvis and side bend the spine or stabilize asymmetrical movements. The innermost layer is comprised of the transversus abdominis, or TA. This muscle runs horizontally over the trunk and attaches the thick band of tissue under the naval to the back of the spine. The job of the transversus is to tighten down the abdominal contents and stabilize the spine prior to and during movement. 
It is important to understand these 3 layers of muscles when doing core exercises. Too often individuals do sit-ups and crunches but never train the deepest TA muscle to stabilize their spine; they end up with back pain and strong outer abdominals which do not adequately support the spine. Also, many people stop doing core exercises because they are unsure how to safely strengthen their abdominals without doing situps, which may be painful. 
So, let's go back to the basics and train the core from the inside out, gradually progressing from deepest layer to outermost layer as we up the challenge. Start by laying on your back and think of drawing your naval down toward your spine. Don’t hold your breath. It will help to put your hands just above the tops of your pelvic bones and feel the muscles tighten down from the inside across the stomach region. Then, once you have that contraction, try to hold it for up to 10 seconds. The next progression is to keep your spine completely stable and supported with your TA contraction and then lift one leg slightly. Alternate legs. See the video below for a more advanced exercise where both feet are held in up while still drawing the navel down toward the spine.
As you progress with the exercises, then start challenging yourself with bigger movements such as situps or planks but continue to draw in as to keep the spine supported by contracting the TA. You will notice much more support through the trunk and an increase in challenge.
These exercises require focus and awareness but should never cause pain. If you feel back pain, stop and go back to level 1 by drawing the navel into the spine. Consult your local skilled Physical Therapist for more core strengthening exercises at
Meredith Bremner, PT, DPT, Cert DN
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Rocky Mountain Spine and Sport

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