Thursday, June 9, 2016

5 Ways to Improve Your Overall Fitness

1.    Get up and get going … no matter what the exercise is, just start somewhere. "Motion is lotion" and the body was designed to move. Our joints, ligaments, muscles, and connective tissue are all at their optimal function when challenged on a daily basis. For some, this may be through high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts and for others this might be walking 30 minutes. Just start somewhere!
2.    Work on your core regularly. We used to think that the core was limited to the abdominal muscles, but it pertains to the axial skeleton which includes the neck, shoulders, back, abdominals and hips. There are key exercises for each region that should be in your routine to maintain a strong foundation on which you can move. Stay tuned on our website to see an example exercise for each region.

3.    Vary your training and goals - Our bodies respond to change. This means that if we are doing the same exercises over and over with the same amount of load, our bodies won't respond. If you would like to get stronger or more fit, consider changing the type of exercise or vary your weight and intensity. Sometimes this can best be done through the year with the changes in season. In the summer, take the opportunity to get outside with the nice weather and take a break from lifting in the gym. You will notice a change with more cardio and your muscles and joints may thank you for the much needed break.

4.    Find a training buddy … Research has shown that people do much better with exercise in a social setting provided there are common goals. Find someone who will keep you honest and even push you a bit. This can really help you with your consistency and improve your overall fitness.

5.   See your local Physical Therapist for a precise exercise program and recommendations tailored to your body's unique needs. A Physical Therapist is trained in the evaluation and examination of human movement and function and can identify movements that will help you reach your goals.

See for locations and our staff bios. 

Meredith L. Bremner, PT, DPT, Cert DN
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Rocky Mountain Spine and Sport, LLC

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